
Ny and Lu was created soon after Nyla was born. I was on a search to find headbands and bows that were different from what you'd find at the local stores. As I began creating bows and headbands, I strived even more to be different and unique. I love that I make hair accessories that are conversation pieces. My goal is to make high quality items at an affordable price.

We recently did a short flea at 39A Bussoruh Street in collaboration with The Bambini. It was a blast. I love meeting and creating new friends, mummies, and mompreneur. It is so inspiring, and to hear 'Ohh and Ahhh' when they see Ny and Lu bows, that feeling.. so fulfilling. 

I am so appreciative of all the support my wonderful customers have given me! I am truly blessed to have you all! My hope is that through my hair accessories I can bring a smile to someone's face. :)

Thank you all for your continuous support!

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